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Peace Lily


Peace Lily


Spathiphyllum Vivaldi is a mid-sized Peace Lily with lots of beautiful glossy, dark green leaves and large white spathes that can last for weeks. The pot may vary.

Light: Moderate to bright, indirect light preferred. Will adapt to lower light levels.

Water: Keep the soil moist at all times. Allow the top of the soil to dry out slightly before watering. The plant will start to droop if it needs more water. Ensure adequate drainage.

Temperature: Average room temperatures from 18-24°C but can cope with as low as 12°C in winter.

Humidity: Enjoys increased levels of humidity if possible. Mist regularly.

Feed: Apply a weak dose of a liquid fertiliser once or twice a month during the growing season. 

Care tips: Flowers are relatively short lived. They will turn brown and die off naturally. Remove from the base of the stems as necessary.

Air Purifying: This plant filters airborne toxins and is part of our clean air plant collection.

Height and Growth Rate: Ultimate height c75cm. Moderate growth rate.

Toxicity: Mildly toxic if eaten.

Origin: South America