Belle de Jour Florist
A Cerise exotic Bouquet
A Cerise exotic Bouquet
The photographs features the large size option
Our Cerise exotic Bouquet is designed to capture the warmth and vibrancy of autumn. It features a single red rose as its centerpiece, surrounded by the exotic charm of gloriosa, protea, euphorbia, and hibiscus. The colors evoke an autumnal palette with rich cerise tones, wispy orange euphorbia, and deep reds. Hints of green from delicate foliage add contrast, creating a harmonious blend that feels both luxurious and grounded in nature’s seasonal beauty. This bouquet’s unique mix of textures and colors is perfect for anyone who appreciates elegance with a touch of the unexpected.
Please note - the bouquet pictured represents a large size. Whilst we make every effort to source the exact ingredients, occasionally it may be necessary for our florists to substitute with a similar stem.
Each Belle de Jour Flowers bouquet is designed and hand-crafted in our Bristol workshop using the finest flowers from trusted growers and suppliers. Your bouquet will arrive in recyclable gift packaging with care instructions on how to look after your flowers.